I have recently gone to help my sister move from home. Until a time ago we lived together and still remained in her home some of my belongings that I left when I went to live my new experience. So I had to go to the rescue of some few things that I left in her care and of course to help her in such an arduous task with her own. After these few years, I find again notebooks, books, notes, pictures, clothes that surrounded me. I did not remember some and many others that I have been happy to see them again.

When you live so comfortable in one place you do not think about the day when you have to move. You connect to that place, to the spaces, to the neighbors and your things and you settle down as time passes.
As you start to remove, forgotten fragments of you appear again, you can see that you and your style changed when you check the old box of photographs where you make a tour of your life in which you rarely stop to think. You realize that this "reset" we should do it more often, stop to think about where we are going and if we follow the path we have set or we have gone astray.
It is in these cases, removing your wardrobe, your drawers, your belongings all where you can realize that you have not stopped moving the skin, that every day that passes helps to give you the shape you have, both internally and externally.
When I arrived, I did not think I was coming to check my things and my life. I have had to decide which of them will continue with me and others that without a doubt are no longer part of me. After these few years I realize that I have changed, that new things, new concepts and ideas have entered my life, others are the ideas and concepts of always but reinforced and I realize that I like what I see.
Life is so. We should take an inventory every so often of our ideas and what surrounds us, of our activities, our friendships, our things, routines and habits.

On this occasion also of course among the things that I left on the road I found clothes, shoes and accessories. Those adorable clothes that accompanied me on many occasions that I am now remembering little by little.
There are some that will be with me again, like some handbags or shoes, clothing and my adorable accessories that I have rediscovered with great joy. Others, however, feel that they no longer have a place in my current life.
Our way of dressing is part of that change of skin, it is the way in which we reflect the state we are going through and we must pay attention to it because it is the way in which we communicate to our environment who we are. In this reunion of fixtures I have prepared a suitcase with my beloved articles of always, some books worth rereading, notebooks with interesting notes that will help me to continue my journey.
My sister told me about this move. She has also moved her skin in this period because she has found a partner with whom she lives happily, I did not think that I was coming to this reunion with myself, to confirm that the path I am going through careful tells me to continue, to believe in me and in the generosity of life, that new experiences, some better than others of course, will continue to happen and that contribute to being what I am, that I should be open and attentive every moment to that swing throughout the trip.
I am happy to have gone to her call, this return has been very beneficial to revisit my dreams of yesteryear. Going deep into myself has made me weigh my experiences, to reaffirm myself for what is ahead, to feel new confidence.
The result I like, I return full of energy, some things are no longer among my belongings, there is now a lot of empty space for what is to come.