For lovers of Wool as the raw material of our clothing, we like that it is authentic and of good quality, to be able to enjoy all its advantages for a long time.
Since I am in this business I have been even more inquisitive with the regarding the composition of the clothes. It is worth saying that many times you see articles of good brands and very well-made designs but in which they have “saved” on the quality of their fibers. You pay for the entire image and the staging but you really don't have the quality you were looking for. Not infrequently we have bought things with which later we were disappointed because the value for money was not up to par.
It is true that technology has managed to imitate very well some characteristics of this natural fiber. To cite an example, we are in Holland, a country with a cold climate and I have seen many clients “change” the scarf they bring because it does not heat them. This is because at a medium temperature a scarf made of synthetic fiber is apparently warm, but in true cold the scarf is also cold, it doesn't shelter. The same happens with coats or jackets that although very beautiful or well designed do not provide all the benefits you expect in these cases.
It is not about using Wool only in cold climates, this applies anywhere, the example cited above is because in such a situation that marked difference is "noticed". It is about the benefits that Wool brings to our skin since one of the main characteristics of Wool is that it keeps us isolated from the ambient temperature, keeping the body temperature in perfect balance. We are dry and warm in winter and cool and dry in summer. As you know, wool is used even in sportswear. That's how incredible it is !
For those who have already experienced these benefits, they are already on the way to prefer better quality items, and for those who are beginning to discover it, we have developed some guidelines so that the next time you go shopping, pay attention and train your eye and touch to that you learn to know a good garment of Wool.
1. Touch. The first thing you will do when you see something you like is to touch it. At first glance you may not notice a significant difference. I recommend holding it a little longer in your hands and fingers to get the first feelings. Touch and look carefully at the plot, the brightness, the label, elasticity, softness, etc.
2. Smell. Wool has a characteristic smell and is usually always slightly noticeable. Some brands, or the store itself may have been flavored and this may confuse your nose, but no doubt, Wool it smells like Wool!
3. Heat. One of the main advantages of Wool is that it shelters without being overwhelmed, it keeps us always at a pleasant temperature. There are specific textures of Wool, finer for the summer, such as suits for skirt or pants and jacket for men and women for the summer. Thus, it is also possible to enjoy this fiber throughout the year.
4. Elasticity. There are different types of Wool from different types of animals and the characteristics of each one are different. Many factors influence, such as the type of animal, the age, the geography from which it comes, etc. Observe the texture and elasticity of your garment carefully, some are somewhat more elastic than others, although the type of production, machine, manual, loom, etc. also influences this.
5. Imperfection. Like any product from nature, it is likely that you will find some imperfections in the weave of your garment, a knot or union, a grain of lighter or darker color, etc. It is perfectly natural, without being a tare of course.
6. Weight. Also in this case, there is a difference in weight between some Wools or another depending on their origin. If you are starting out in this to be a true expert on the subject, look and take notes at this point because there are noticeable differences between one and the other, as well as the thickness of the fibers or the mixtures of different types.
7. Fluffiness. Here the design, the stitch, the type of garment, the type of Wool and what type of elaboration have a lot to do. Touch and try the item carefully, take your time and "feel it" on your skin. I recommend, if is possible, that in the fitting room you even remove your blouse, T-shirt or whatever you are wearing so that it does not interfere with your feelings or influence your final decision.
8. Hairs. Here you will see another wide world to discover. Look at your garment against the light and you will see that it seems alive! Some are hairier than others, softer, more rustic, depending on which animal it comes from, if it is mixed with another type of Wool, etc. For this reason it is also likely that your garment will have some balls in the future due to rubbing due to its use, this is normal, but with minimal care, you will keep your item with a beautiful appearance. (Find some tips about its care and cleaning here)
9. Color. Wool in general, regardless of color of the garment, is usually a bit opaque and velvety, it does not stand out precisely for its shine, unless it has some added element that gives it this touch, such as a lurex thread, silk, etc.
10. Price. In this, do not fool yourself if you think you will find good quality at a very low price. You can find a good price either at the end of stock or last units, value this point for yourself.
Regarding this last point, if we want to be fair and collaborate with a sustainable trade, we must be respectful of the entire chain of people involved in these processes. With time you will learn to distinguish Wool's different qualities, to know the approximate price of a garment. A good garment will more than make up for the price you have paid for it! A while ago I saw a signboard… Cashmere € 15… That's not just a good deal!
In my own experience, this fiber has given me many pleasant satisfactions, I have had truly endearing garments such as a gray cardigan, so good, so pleasant that it fit me perfectly, I loved it, it combined with everything and I used it for years that I even asked my mother to mend her worn elbows to extend her useful life a little bit more. Finally, when I could no longer use it, I discarded it with real pain.
Finally, learn from your old clothes, they do their best to the end, see how they have behaved over time, your senses remember everything. So when you are looking for your next favorite garment, touch it, smell it, try it, experience it ...♥